I cleared the recent 3rd Write BP, resumed emulation, and then set all 3 Write BPs at once.
The one that gets triggered first is usually the one that is suitable or best suitable for making the code. I wanted to see which one would get triggered first out of all 3. I removed that BP, and set a new Write BP on 3rd/final result, got this. I removed the BP, and set a new Write BP on 2nd result, got this. I set a Write BP on the 1st Dynamic Memory Result, got this address w/ corresponding instruction. I noticed that these 3 results also updated live (when hovering over to a new character before pressing A on him/her) IMPORTANT NOTE: This game is odd, it has dynamic memory in mem80 with static memory (instructions) in mem81. Repeat over and over til I had 3 Dynamic Memory results.
All I used was the character value list you have gave me earlier to speed up the initial memory search process. Anyway, I went ahead and made two different Character Selection codes.